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Our Logo

The distinctive logo on our website is based on Moriori rākau momori (living tree engravings).  These unique rākau momori are internationally rare with only about 50 or so on kōpi (karaka) trees on Rēkohu (Chatham Islands).  Prior to 1835 more than 1,000 were to be found on kōpi trees all around the two main islands of Rēkohu.  Many of the images are portraits, possibly representations of loved ones who passed away.  Others depict scenes of the natural life of the islands and are characterised by a lively, asymmetrical artistic style.


It is not known exactly how the bark impressions were made.  Most do not cut through the bark and appear to be permanent embossings or brands on the bark.  Today Hokotei is working with local artists to revive the process of engraving living trees.


We have used this logo with the blessing of Hokotehi Moriori Trust – the representative body for Moriori but stress that copies or other forms of replication of Moriori art need to have the sanction of Hokotehi, as these images are Moriori intellectual and cultural property.


The reason we chose to use the Moriori logo for our brand is that my partner (Gary Brocklebank) great great great grandmother was a Moriori from the Chatham Islands, from what we are able to ascertain she married a Whaler and left the Chatham Islands and later settled in Napier.  Unfortunately she changed her name to Maryanne and in later years the family destroyed all evidence of her Moriori origins.  It is only in this generation that we have been given the opportunity to explore our families Moriori heritage.  So we use this image to show our respect to Maryanne and our families Moriori heritage.  We thank the Hokotehi Moriori Trust for allowing us to use this logo.


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