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Dill Essential Oil

Posted by Maria Brocklebank on
Dill Essential Oil

On the mental plane, dill oil is used in aromatherapy to combat the feeling of being overwhelmed and in times of crisis, while physically, it assists with digestion, easing constipation and flatulence, as well as hiccups. It promotes the healing of wounds on the skin.

Dill oil has a grass-like smell and is pale yellow in color, with a watery viscosity.

The therapeutic properties of dill oil are antispasmodic, carminative, digestive, disinfectant, galactagogue, sedative, stomachic and sudorific.

Gripe water is often made of the fresh herb and given to babies and children for colic, or other digestive disorders, but the dill oil should not be used for this purpose, as it is too powerful.

Dill oil helps to overcome the feeling of being overwhelmed and is also helpful for digestive problems in adults, easing flatulence, constipation and hiccups.

It eases the mind, calms headaches and helps with excess sweating due to nervous tension. It can also stimulate milk flow in nursing mothers, while promoting the healing of wounds.

Dill oil calms and soothes the nerves and is helpful for digestive problems in adults, while helping the healing of wounds.

Essential oils normally blend well with one another but dill oil blends particularly well with bergamot, caraway, nutmeg and citrus oils.

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