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Castor Oil Organic

Posted by Maria Brocklebank on
Castor Oil Organic

Reducing the signs of ageing, pigmentation and acne blemishes are just a few of the many benefits of castor oil. It also helps in moisturising skin.  Organic Castor Oil is used in cleansers as it draws out impurities in the skin helping to cleanse and remove dirt and excess oil from the skin.

Castor seed oil is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory with strong cleansing properties with its ability to draw impurities out of the skin pores.  Castor seed oil penetrates deep into the skin, helping to stimulate collagen to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and make the skin smoother. This can also help reduce the appearance of scars when applied often. The fatty acids help hydrate the skin.

Used in all of our cream cleansers and in our Bergamot and Lavender oil based facial cleanser.


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